Thursday, December 24, 2009


Legendary former Kansas Attorney General Vern Miller greets a guest as Richard Shank looks on prior to RCDemocratic event at the Sampler's restaurant. The sizable crowd included Democrats and Republicans alike who were treated to colorful stories recounted by Miller. Ticket proceeds and sponsorships added over $800 to the RCDem's treasury. Support for these events is vital to a successful election effort come next November.


As the tradition continues, Reno County Democrats appeared in the Hutchinson Christmas Parade. The public response to these parades seems to grow every year and presents a great opportunity to encourage other Democrats in the area. There are several RCDems who show up faithfully to join in these events but we would like to encourage those who haven't participated in the past to commit to marching with us at least once in 2010. There are vocal disruptive forces who are bent on crushing the Democratic party in Kansas. It's up to each of us to see that our voices are not silenced.


State Rep. Jan Pauls gives a report on progress in planning for the upcoming dinner honoring Richard Shank. This was our second Last Saturday Breakfast meeting at the Plaza Grill just south of South Hutch with several RCDems in attendance. We will forego meeting in December but the breakfast meetings will resume on January 30th. This is a great opportunity for discussion and sharing of ideas in a private room. We hope to see many more join us at future meetings. Watch for details.


Monday, November 23, 2009


Friends and associates of Richard Shank are invited to a banquet in his honor on Wednesday, December 2 starting at 6:30 in the Downtown Sampler's Restaurant, Main & Sherman. You'll want to enter the 1st National Bank through the parking garage entrance. There is a requested donation of $35/Individual, $65/Couple; Special recognition sponsors $100/2 tickets, $200/ 4 tickets.
Our special guest speaker will be former Kansas Attorney General Vern Miller, friend and co-worker of Richard. Ideally reservations should be received by November 25. You may contact Judy Langley or phone her at 620-662-7986. You may also mail donations to Judy: 6818 E Blanchard, Hutchinson KS 67501. Proceeds from the event will go to the general fund of the Reno County Democratic Party.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


When the annual Reno County Democratic Party salute to Veteran's Day was dropped off at the Hutch News the woman at the classified ads remarked "I think it's great that the Democrats do this." We started the tradition four years ago and I'll admit I was never sure if anyone ever noticed but obviously they do. It's just one more seemingly small gesture that has a real impact. So when we have an event; hold a reception; write well thought out letters of support for Democratic principles; appear at a parade - people notice!

So here's the pitch. We will be participating in the KSKU Christmas Parade again this year. The theme is a salute to Hutchinson's new industry, Siemen's Manufacturing. The efforts of the local Wind Energy Task Force which included MANY area committed Democrats and the Obama administration's stimulus program that is so unfairly criticized from the extreme right and received NO support from GOP legislators, contributed greatly to this boon to our local economy. So bundle up, join us at B & Main on Saturday November 21 starting between 9 and 9:30 to show your pride in being a part of the Reno County Democratic Party.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


When Sen. Al Franken (Dem., Minnesota)offered an amendment to the Defense Appropriation Bill, he sought to protect employees of contractors hired by the U.S. There had been several instances of sexual harassment and assault of women working for these companies in Iraq. In one horrendous episode a woman was gang-raped, told she would lose her job if she left to receive medical treatment and was banned from any criminal or civil court proceedings under the terms of her employee contract which only allowed private arbitration in cases if this nature.
Franken's proposal would deny the awarding of any U.S. contracts to companies that insisted on this kind of limitations on the legal rights of women who suffered such assaults. The amendment passed with only 30 Senators voting against it - ALL REPUBLICANS - including Kansas' own Pat Roberts and gubenatorial candidate Sam Brownback! I leave it to Kansans to decide if this is the kind of "Christian" leadership we want in Topeka.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Newly announced candidate for 1st District U.S. House Representative, Alan Jilka engaged in a conversation with RCDem Bill Rogers during the Demofest luncheon on Saturday. Governor Mark Parkinson gave an inspiring speech encouraging Democrats to remain positive during the upcoming election. But the most enthusiastic response from the crowd came when current State Representative Raj Goyle from Wichita took the stage. Goyle's efforts in the legislature and his successful unseating of an incumbant have inspired high hopes for his successful bid for the open seat in 4th District, formerly held by Todd Tiahrt.
Later in the day Democrats from Pratt, Reno and McPherson county met with Kenny Johnston to discuss plans to renovate the State Fair Booth. Staffing of the booth and increased cooperation from KDP were among items addressed as needing improvement. There will be further discussion and presentations made at Democrat Washington Days in February of 2010. Watch for more details in coming months and make plans to attend this important event.


Despite encouragement from rightwing bloggers, protesters failed to appear at the showing of "What's the Matter With Kansas", a documentary inspired by Thomas Frank's book. A theater filled with Kansas Democrats was welcomed by the Sedgwick County Chair. The film consisted primarily of interviews with conservatives which in retrospect did illustrate the problems facing the state. There was a segment following a family to the Creationist Museum that proved to be unintentionally humorous. More sobering were the revelations of numerous followers of Reverend Terry Fox and the ill-fated affiliation with Wild West World. One couple lost $300,000 to developer Etheridge when the project failed. There are increasing instances across the country of the trusting faithful being fleeced by a few unscrupulous charlatans seeking to take advantage of the "religious right".

Monday, October 5, 2009


After taking the summer months off it was back to work for the Democratic Party in Reno County. There were many familiar faces on hand to discuss plans for the future. There will be a meeting with KDP representatives at Demofest in Wichita to discuss improvements for the Kansas State Fair Booth. The prime location and public relations opportunity of this event cannot be ignored. Democrats are encouraged to step up if asked to volunteer their time to staff the booth next year. We will be deep into the election season by then and your efforts are vital to success.

It was reported that Salina native Alan Jilka will definitely be running for Kansas 1st District Representative. Alan's credentials are impressive and he will need our full support as time goes on.

Following a lengthy discussion it was decided that the "LAST WEDNESDAY" meeting will become the "LAST SATURDAY MORNING" meeting. Reno County Democrats are encouraged to gather at the Go Plaza (truck stop just outside of South Hutchinson) for a breakfast meeting at 8:30 AM. This will leave the rest of the day for weekend activities and it is hoped, will allow more to attend. Mark your calendar for Saturday October 31st, 8:30 AM and join us at the Go Plaza for breakfast!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Left to right: Patrick Clark, Nancy Self, Margie Breeze, Nancy Clark, Betty Taylor, James Taylor. Not pictured: Duane Anstine, Kathie Moore, Heidi Unruh and daughter.


In just a few short hours it was "mission accomplished"! Nine area Democrats showed up with shovels and loppers in hand to fulfill a commitment to perform a community service project. The former Hutch Floral property was acquired by the Kansas Cosmosphere for future expansion. Due to a lack of funds/staff to do regular maintenance the site had become overgrown. Using an ingenious tool James Taylor dispatched a potential forest of volunteer trees. Others went after the weeds that were choking out remaining flower beds, cleaned out grasses growing through concrete patio area and picked up trash scattered across the property. Loaded down pick-ups supplied by the Taylors and Margie Breeze were filled to overflowing with the debris that was taken to the landfill. An independent photojournalist from Wichita stopped to interview and videotape the volunteers at work. If you missed this opportunity there will be other chances to join in future projects.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Contrary to the rather dismal mention in the Wichita Eagle things picked up at the Democratic Booth after a shaky start. There have been some ongoing problems with people not honoring their scheduled commitments but the Reno County Democrats have stepped in to fill the gaps. This points out how important it is to honor those commitments. Pictured above is Jon Powell, a Hutch native that has returned to the fold. Jon's enthusiasm and winning ways with the public will make him a tremendous asset to the party. He is seen here helping a Democrat sign up for the drawing to win an autographed copy of President Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope". A good sized box containing the entry slips was nearing full when I left on Tuesday. Also visible are poster sized sheets with names, two columns wide, of supporters of the public option in health care. Three of these large sheets have been filled with a fourth started late Tuesday.

The difficulties experienced with the lack of materials was brought to the attention of Topeka. After emails and telephone calls it would seem there will be much more input and support from KDP in future years. The positive comments from a surprising number of Democrats who stopped by was encouraging. Even better were the Republicans who signed the petition and voiced their disgust with the recent direction taken by their party. There are many more of these unhappy moderates than people think. So there will be much to accomplish in the months leading up to the next election but if we are willing to stand behind our candidates there could be a whole new ballgame in Kansas.

An email to those Reno County Democrats signed up will be coming out soon but I will mention here that we will be resuming our regular monthly meetings starting Wednesday, September 30, 5:30 at the RCD headquarters in Mark Treaster's Rainbow International building at 1129 W 4th. Betty Taylor will be bringing refreshments so join us there for some important discussions.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Several representatives of the Reno County Democratic Central Committee and a number of former candidates/elected officials met with Alan Jilka recently to discuss his possible run for U.S. Representative in the 1st District. Mr. Jilka, a graduate of Notre Dame, has served on
the Salina City Commission, three years as Mayor of the city where his family owns a furniture business. Fluent in Spanish he has a masters degree in Comparative Literature and has studied in Portugal and Brazil.

Jilka worked for Dan Glickman in Washington D.C. In his conversation he expressed support for renewable energy plans in Kansas and an interest in a viable, active arts community. All who attended were impressed with Jilka's presentation. He received advice from former candidates on campaigning, fund raising and a suggestion that he acquaint himself with the state fair and the opportunities to connect with constituents from across the western part of the state. Currently there are at least 5 Republican contenders for the seat.

It is hoped Jilka is just the first of many capable candidates that Reno County Democrats will be able to support in the upcoming elections of 2010.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


James Taylor and Kam McEwen took turns in the ticket booth Friday evening. The drawing for the patriotic theme quilt was won by Representative Jan Paul's husband Ron. Two comments heard repeatedly were "the food was fabulous" and "I had no idea about what had happened to the electric car in the 90's".


What a proud evening for Reno County Democrats! We entertained a large group that came to enjoy an evening of great food and a thought-provoking film. State Treasurer Dennis McKinney addressed the crowd with words of encouragement about the promise of a bright future for our state that is possible with the growth of the renewable energy industry and green technology.Those who doubt the commitment of Democrats in Kansas should have been behind the scenes to see the men and women who donated time and energy, working together to make this event a success.

Some of the proceeds that have been raised from current events have gone to renewing our lease on the headquarters at 1129 West 4th - a large office suite in Mark Treaster's Rainbow International Building. County Chair Vic Moser has proposed that this facility be used for monthly Democratic meetings. There has also been a suggestion that members bring along snacks to share for the evening. In just 14 months we will be going to the polls again in an election that could drastically change the leadership in Kansas. The state cannot afford more of the same but the only way to affect change is for us to increase our efforts to bring about that change. A recent article actually pulled Kansas out of the "reliably red" category into the "states that might be in play" column! It's the willingness to work for that outcome that will make the difference.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I doubt that many have dug too deeply into articles/blogs about the Town Hall meetings that are being circulated. That may be a wise move since being overly informed is taxing the ability of my blood pressure medication to work! As seen in this photo, swastikas are showing up; Limbaugh is freely comparing Obama to Hitler; Palin is spreading the word about Obama's "Death Panel" and seniors across America are warned of their forced extinction if Health Reform is passed. Outrageous as this seems, it's working. Familiar groups such as Americans for Prosperity and faces such as Randal Terry of Operation Rescue fame are blanketing the country with distortion or outright lies about a bill that hasn't even been written. In the meantime the ridiculous charges about Obama's birthplace are thriving and taking up time in our overtaxed judicial system. Overly zealous conservatives are flooding Congress with emails and phone calls aimed at stopping the progress of needed change that was voted for. I don't suggest for a moment that Democrats should resort to these infantile practices but sitting on the sidelines, tsk-tsking at the antics without responding in a reasoned, rational way just can't be an option. We have to muster the courage to stand up for what is right and sensible. Letters, calls, emails of support are an effective response but a simple act such as supporting local Democratic events shouldn't be underestimated. So treat yourself to an evening's entertainment by attending the reception and presentation of the documentary WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR? this Friday, August 14th at the Fox Theatre. The suggested donation of $10 will help the Reno County Democratic Party in it's efforts but more importantly, the act of showing up in support sends a strong, positive message. Hope to see you all there starting at 6:30 on Friday!

Monday, August 3, 2009


There was a great turnout of "blue shirts" to honor the Centennial of the NAACP last Saturday.
Special recognition was given to longtime (42 years) president of the local chapter, Darrell Pope. We caught him as the parade was lining up and persuaded him to pose with his larger than life poster. Kam and Randy McEwen took off time from celebrating their 25th anniversary to drive their new Prius hybrid in the parade. They took advantage of Obama's CARS program to help the environment as well as the local economy. Checking out the conservative conversations it's evident that the success of this effort is gauling to them as there is nothing but sniping and critisim of the program despite its effectiveness. More of the GOP culture of NO-NO-NO!
Just a side note on the "C STREET HOUSE" issue. I'm sure there are those who would defend the Family/Fellowship program. Our Kansas officials declaring it just a helpful religious group that they had no real connection to...this brings to mind the furor over Rev. Wright during Obama's campaign. Funny how those affiliations are twisted to suit the needs of the parties involved. The issue should be fully explored as the next election gets underway!

Monday, July 27, 2009


If you have access to pod casts or go to the transcripts on the PBS site you might be interested in listening to the second half of Bill Moyers Journal from Friday, July 24. It is a chilling piece on the growth of hate speech in the conservative radio, television and print media. Anyone who refuses to make the connections between violence and pressure on Congress to follow their doctrines is not facing reality. Many wonder why I try to catch the radio broadcasts but on Monday I tuned in to see if there was a response to Moyers' comments. As expected Limbaugh played PARTIAL soundbites of Moyers
commentary on the Fairness Doctrine. Moyers spoke of its history, when it was repealed under the Reagan administration and that the ranters are now sqealing about its possible resurrection and how that would adversely affect them. Limbaugh first suggested that Moyers was just envious of the money he makes and then launched into a tirade about main stream media having "it all their way" under the Fairness Doctrine. This of course makes no sense as FD granted access to opposing views - something we have now lost. More important though was the impression left by Rush that Moyers was supporting the Fairness Doctrine. Exactly the opposite is true. Moyers was clear in stating that he was AGAINST the repeal; that there should be no limits or restrictions put on broadcasters. By not playing the whole quote, Limbaugh gave exactly the opposite impression of Moyers' point. So his throngs of fans will go forth spewing more half-truths as fact. That's precisely why I make myself pay attention occassionally. I want to know how they operate and why there is so much MISINFORMATION accepted as truth. Forewarned is forearmed! or Know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Mark your calendar for Friday August 14th! The award winning documentary "WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR?" is coming to Hutchinson, sponsored by the RCDemocrats. Originally released in 2006 this is the story of the rise and fall of hybrid vehicles during the Bush Administration. More relevant than ever after $4 a gallon plus gasoline prices and a new administration dedicated to reducing our dependance on foreign oil while protecting our environment, the film will be open to the public. Doors will open at 6:30 for a reception with appetizers, desserts and drinks. Midwest Superstore will be displaying the latest in hybrid cars in front of the Fox and there will be a drawing for a hand crafted patriotic-theme quilt just before the film is aired at 7:30. This is a can't miss event for the entire community. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the evening. Sponsorships for the film are available. Call 620-459-6596 for more information.


MEA CULPA!!!!!Won't even bother with a litany of excuses. Get busy with the day to day; set priorities; "doing" instead of "writing" and suddenly - WHOOSH - four months have passed without posting about what's going on. So I'll start with this week and work backwards in hopes that "true believers" will have the inclination and time to wend their way through the entire post.


Democrats from Rice, McPherson and Reno County gathered for an evening of sharing and building commitment. Potential US Senate candidate Charles Schollenberber addressed the group laying out his platform. Lyn Reynolds was the winner of a drawing for a hand crafted quilt titled "Dancing Donkeys". There was a lot of talk about the revelations of current Kansas legislators Todd Tiahrt and Sam Brownback's affiliation with a shadowy D.C. organization, The Fellowship. Checking out internet sources reveals some interesting and disturbing information about the group. Might make their future campaigns a little dicey. Watch for more events coming soon.


Reno County Democrats turned out in force to celebrate our Nation's birthday. The most touching moment came when a quite elderly couple watching the parade from their chairs, stood as the RCD entry passed - she covering her heart, he standing tall and saluting. The cheers and applause as we marched demonstrated the importance of these appearances.


HHS Young Democrats Adam Miklos and Chris Givens made the choice impossible. Both with exemplary scholastic achievement and commitment to Democratic Party efforts were awarded $500 scholarships thanks to the Reno County Democratic Women and generous supplemental donations from additional Democrats. We wish these young men well as they continue to pursue their academic careers.

Friday, March 20, 2009


The gathering of around 300 sent the message loud and clear at a Clean Energy Rally in Topeka.

Representatives from a variety of groups rallied in favor of renewable energy sources that would both protect the environment and enhance economic opportunities in Kansas. Among the supporters was RCDem Curt Miller, mayor of Pretty Prairie and member of the Reno County Wind Energy Task Force. Following the rally Miller, Kathie Moore, Dorothy Burnett and her two daughters visited District 101 Representative Seiwert at his office to discuss the advantages of wind energy over coal-fired plants.


RCDems, Young Democrats and friends spent Monday evening March 16th on the phones for pledge breaks during a documentary featuring the landmark 1958 Dockum Street sit-in in Wichita. A favorite viewing choice of many RCDems, KPTS features information and viewpoints not readily available from other sources. This PBS affiliate has produced a number of quality pieces covering people and events of interest to Kansans along with programs such as Ask Your Legislator and Kansas Week which keep viewers up to date and in touch with happenings in Topeka. Speaking for myself I would encourage everyone to make a pledge to support this valuable source of information and entertainment.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I went to Washington Days in Topeka (February 27-28) thinking the mood might not be the brightest. To my surprise I found energized, hopeful Democrats from across Kansas ready to move ahead. The Friday night banquet marked what turned out to be Governor Sebelius' last appearance at this annual event as our state's leader. Though the official announcement was not made, the guest speaker, Governor Brian Schweitzer of Montana, hinted at what was to come when he spoke of the sacrifices that must be made in support of the Obama administration's plans . An incredible oil portrait of President Obama was auctioned off raising over $4,000 for the state party. Governor Sebelius was confident that an autographed certificate from Obama would also be made available to the winning bidder. Schwietzer's bolo tie also went on the auction block bringing a winning bid of several thousand.
Legislators were encouraged by the failure of the House of Representatives to muster a veto-proof number of votes in support of the Holcumb coal-fired plants. The battle is far from over but legislators with an eye to future economic development and energy independence are standing strong. The Reno County Wind Energy Task Force will be meeting at the Hutchinson Library on Tuesday, March 10 in the evening to discuss support and progress in bringing wind to our county. New supporters are welcome to become involved in this critical endeavor.
The HHS Young Democrats were a big hit at the event. Elected officials and members of various caucus met with them. Supporters contributed generously to their cause when they set up a display on Saturday. The support and efforts of their sponsor Kam McEwen with help from husband Randy is much appreciated. There is talk of a new goal of attending the national convention for Young Democrats in Chicago. Work is underway to help establish a chapter of the organization at Hutch JuCo in the near future. This is really what it's all about - the future. We will have much to do in the upcoming elections in 2010. Make sure you're part of the effort to support Democrats in Kansas.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


If you ever get discouraged with Kansas politics I suggest you revisit this blog entry. There has been a great amount of good publicity from Hutch News generated by the Hutch High Young Democrats. They were featured in a story when they organized a mock election at the high school. There was coverage of their legislator's visit when they were seeking funds for their trip to the inauguration. There was terrific coverage of that trip when they returned.

If all that is not enough, check out the crowd at the February Reno County Democratic Womens Club meeting. This was the best attendence ever for on of these events. There has been contact from an instructor at HCC wanting to set up a similar club. With plans to attend HCC in the fall, some of the HHS Young Dems should be helpful in accomplishing that goal.

When I attended a recent gathering of retired federal employees (NARFE) I saw a number of familiar RCD faces. Mayor Trish Rose sponsors regular meetings for Hutchinson residents where again, you can see several Democrats. Same for the audiences at the legislative forums that were held in January and February. And if that's not enough, the meetings of the Reno County Wind Energy Task Force members include quite a few RCDems. The point being we are an active, integral part of the Kansas landscape. Perhaps our greatest challenge remains bringing those of a like mind into the fold.

It is understandable that Democrats can become discouraged after the results on the state level following the last election but it is obvious to me that the perception of the GOP being the "only party in town" is more in our minds than in reality. It's just a matter of reaching out and welcoming GOP moderates, independents and "bashful" Democrats. We've made a lot of progress over the past few years. Now it's time to build on that success and make a difference.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Lest you think the need for involvement is over with the end of the 2008 elections, pick up your newspaper, turn on the radio/TV or surf the internet to see what challenges are facing us. The aircraft industry is experiencing declines; environmental threats from coal fired plants still loom and yes, there are coal ash storage ponds in Kansas! Budget cuts are a sure thing.

Legislators, both state and federal will be making decisions that will have long term impact on us all. You can be assured that rant radio is out there firing up the faithful to blitz lawmakers with their views and preferences and these listeners do take action and make waves. Common sense and the proper course of action can be overwhelmed by a flood of messages from right-wing activists. So unless you want you future determined by Dittoheads, do your part to make YOUR thoughts and wishes known.

There will be several opportunities to be involved and informed in the next few weeks: the Democratic Womens's Club is meeting at noon, Tuesday January 13th at the Airport Steakhouse. The speaker is Heidi Unruh who has hosted several gatherings to encourage input from Democrats as to actions they can take to influence decisions that will affect us all.
The Big 1st District reorganization meeting will be held in Hutchinson, Saturday January 17th at the Grand Prairie Hotel from 10:30 to 4 PM. The $15 registration fee includes lunch.
Reno County Democrats will resume the Last Wednesday Meetings on Wednesday January 28 at the Great Wall/Mongolian Buffet from 5:30 to 7 PM. Bottom line: you can particpate and take action or sit back and wish someone had spoken out on your behalf. Unforturnately, one voice speaking the truth and offering the right solutions can be drowned out by distortion and wrong ideas if they are in the majority. It's not right but it's the way the world works!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


They've been there to help since the group formed in '07. They made and sold buttons like crazy along with the other assistance they gave during the campaigns across Reno County. Now the Young Democrats are fulfilling a dream that started back in January last year when many attended the Obama rally in El Dorado. Several members along with sponsor Kam McEwen and her husband Randy will be making the trek to our nations capital to be party to the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

The tickets were purchased with proceeds from button sales but they will be sightseeing at several attractions while in D.C. Meals, transportation and incidentals may be pricey especially at a high tourist traffic time so they are asking our help. There will be a fund raising event held Wednesday, January 7 at the Metro Cafe at 17th and Lorraine from 6 to 8 p.m. Several area legislators have accepted an invitation to meet with attendees. There will be a special Obama Inauguration Watch Party Basket filled with goodies raffled off that night. It would be terrific if there were a big turnout to wish them well and possibly donate a dollar or so to their travel fund.


Drove into town thinking I might see a few familiar RCDem faces at the meeting that was announced in the Hutch News. The moderator, Bunny Czarnopys applied to the transition team for a position and was accepted. I later found out she is acquainted with Trish Rose and Kam McEwen. Yes, there were several in the crowd I recognized, but most encouraging is that there was a CROWD! It was obvious from overheard comments that there were representatives of a broad spectrum of the political arena. Still there was actually a lot of concensus as to problems and even a few solutions.

It's my hope that there will be even more of these town hall forums in time to come. This is what we voted for; it's what we need and it appears it may be what Obama's administration is going to deliver. The election may be over but the work has just begun and we should be willing to stay committed to the change we all supported.