Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Drove into town thinking I might see a few familiar RCDem faces at the meeting that was announced in the Hutch News. The moderator, Bunny Czarnopys applied to the transition team for a position and was accepted. I later found out she is acquainted with Trish Rose and Kam McEwen. Yes, there were several in the crowd I recognized, but most encouraging is that there was a CROWD! It was obvious from overheard comments that there were representatives of a broad spectrum of the political arena. Still there was actually a lot of concensus as to problems and even a few solutions.

It's my hope that there will be even more of these town hall forums in time to come. This is what we voted for; it's what we need and it appears it may be what Obama's administration is going to deliver. The election may be over but the work has just begun and we should be willing to stay committed to the change we all supported.

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