Special recognition was given to longtime (42 years) president of the local chapter, Darrell Pope. We caught him as the parade was lining up and persuaded him to pose with his larger than life poster. Kam and Randy McEwen took off time from celebrating their 25th anniversary to drive their new Prius hybrid in the parade. They took advantage of Obama's CARS program to help the environment as well as the local economy. Checking out the conservative conversations it's evident that the success of this effort is gauling to them as there is nothing but sniping and critisim of the program despite its effectiveness. More of the GOP culture of NO-NO-NO!
Just a side note on the "C STREET HOUSE" issue. I'm sure there are those who would defend the Family/Fellowship program. Our Kansas officials declaring it just a helpful religious group that they had no real connection to...this brings to mind the furor over Rev. Wright during Obama's campaign. Funny how those affiliations are twisted to suit the needs of the parties involved. The issue should be fully explored as the next election gets underway!
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