Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Several representatives of the Reno County Democratic Central Committee and a number of former candidates/elected officials met with Alan Jilka recently to discuss his possible run for U.S. Representative in the 1st District. Mr. Jilka, a graduate of Notre Dame, has served on
the Salina City Commission, three years as Mayor of the city where his family owns a furniture business. Fluent in Spanish he has a masters degree in Comparative Literature and has studied in Portugal and Brazil.

Jilka worked for Dan Glickman in Washington D.C. In his conversation he expressed support for renewable energy plans in Kansas and an interest in a viable, active arts community. All who attended were impressed with Jilka's presentation. He received advice from former candidates on campaigning, fund raising and a suggestion that he acquaint himself with the state fair and the opportunities to connect with constituents from across the western part of the state. Currently there are at least 5 Republican contenders for the seat.

It is hoped Jilka is just the first of many capable candidates that Reno County Democrats will be able to support in the upcoming elections of 2010.

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