Wednesday, July 16, 2008


If you haven't make a trip to our website yet this is the time to give it a try. In addition to a photo gallery and updates on events you will now find a page for your opinions and ideas. Everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts by sending them to RCD email . Items will be reviewed before being posted. Replies will be treated in the same manner. Then click over to the new reviews page. Democrats are great at finding the best TV shows, movies, books etc. So here's your chance to share the best you have recently discovered or a longtime favorite. This site reaches beyond Reno County across Kansas so your involvement and contributions will help to build the Democratic community. You should be able to access the website by entering "reno county democrats hutchinson" in the search box or enter I have it entered in my bookmarks for easy access. Plans are being made for the annual ice cream social and fall presidential rally so keep in touch for the latest news on these and other important items of interest to Reno County Democrats.

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