Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Noticed in today's paper that the deadline to register to vote in the August 5th primary is only 3 weeks away. We have choices this year, Democrats! If you are not yet registered or wish to change party affiliation you can register at the Reno County Courthouse or at city offices in all towns in Reno county. In Hutchinson you can also sign up at the driver's license bureau at the mall and at the public library. Reno County Democrats will provide you with the voter registration form as well. To request the form email: renodemo@earthlink.net This is also the email to use to sign up for our newsletter or to submit comments.

Hope to see many supporters and "thumbs up" at the 4th of July parade this Friday morning at 10:00. Our entry will include several candidates, marchers distributing candy and a float. Logistical problems had kept us from including a float for the last few parades but thanks to the generosity of KS State Senate candidate Dave Inskeep we're good to go.

Heard on rant radio last week, criticism of Barack Obama's efforts to stop smoking. Something to the effect (I paraphrase) "How can he have the resolve and character to lead a country if he can't even give up smoking!" Well let me tell you from experience, it takes a lot of fortitude to be a smoker in today's world. I'm being facetious of course. I admire his efforts. Maybe he could get some pointers from Laura Bush - a former smoker. There is no end to the silliness that passes for political commentary these days.

Watch for pictures of our parade entry next week. Pray for sunny skies!

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