I'm wondering if everyone was as stunned and angered as I when I heard of the recent Supreme Court decision
conferring "
person hood" on corporations! At a time when Americans have become aware of the abuses and
corrupting influences that already exist in the world of campaign finance they have not only greatly added to the existing problems by allowing outside forces -NOT PEOPLE - free range to support attack ads, but have struck down all existing state laws that place restrictions on contributions. Pouring salt into the wounds the decision, by citing the first amendment to the constitution they have blocked any possibility of corrective legislation. There is a bi-partisan bill in the house -H.R. 1826 - that has languished for some time that calls for public financing to be
instituted but short of either ratifying an amendment to the constitution or all out revolution - neither of which is likely - there is no solution except for voters to soundly reject candidates who accept or do not condemn this practice. How ironic that this stormy decade is bookmarked by the Supreme Court decision in 2000 that gave us W and this decision in 2010 that sanctions the selling of the soul of the political process. The very least we can do is to make our anger known!
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