Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The things I do in the name of the Democratic Party! Attended the Tiahrt "Town Hall" meeting at HCC Stringer Fine Arts Center thinking it might actually be an opportunity for a democratic exchange of ideas. Oh foolish child that I am! This should have been billed as a right-wing rally. Todd devoted an hour and 15 minutes to "Liberal Bashing" to the delight of the crowd (with one notable exception).

I expected a slanted view of the Health Care Reform struggles but in light of the articles in The Hutchinson News of late December, thought he might actually try to address the problems of ALL Kansans. The graphic accompanying one of the articles revealed the depths of the need in our state, especially in the western half. SIXTEEN counties reported that one fifth - 20% or more of its non-elderly residents were uninsured. In addition it listed NINE counties with 25% up to almost 30% (!) of the non-elderly are without insurance.

But take heart, Todd expressed his support for unregulated campaign contributions as long as they were made public in 24 hours of receipt - yeah, that's really going to Congress honest!

Todd may be deeply ingrained in the ultra-religious "Family" organization but Ti(NO)ahrt hasn't let that affiliation influence him in favor of any pesky Christian attitudes towards the needy. At least not if it goes against the GOP party line.

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