Friday, January 29, 2010


He proposed new drilling, safe nuclear power plants, small business tax credits, spending freeze, deficit reduction - and the Republican reaction: NYET, NINE, NON, NO WAY! I heard GOP leadership actually say he didn't offer us anything! Ignoring the reality of the President's message, when they did acknowledge suggestions to cut spending, they dismissed it as not enough! What don't they understand about you have to start somewhere? Saving hundreds of millions of dollars sounded pretty impressive to me. Their true nature has once again been revealed for all those not too blinded by partisanship to see.

Have I been thrilled with progress from the Oval Office to date? No. But do I believe that with the cooperation of Congress there could be real headway? Absolutely. We have candidates who are willing to do the work necessary; Alan Jilka running for the Big 1st District and Charles Schollenberger standing against Tiahrt or Moran. If we just fold up our tents and refuse to fight for better representation we all know where it leads - NOWHERE. There are voting records and past positions that leave Republicans vulnerable but it requires the effort of us all to get the information out. Thanks to the Supreme Court's decision it's more important than ever that individuals fight for their voices to be heard. Obama made a plea for cooperation saying he couldn't do the job alone. If the right in Congress isn't willing to support the way forward it's up to us to lend the support needed to turn the country around. The GOP establishment, rant radio and right wing extremists want this administration to fail. In our silence we would be supporting their agenda.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I'm wondering if everyone was as stunned and angered as I when I heard of the recent Supreme Court decision conferring "person hood" on corporations! At a time when Americans have become aware of the abuses and corrupting influences that already exist in the world of campaign finance they have not only greatly added to the existing problems by allowing outside forces -NOT PEOPLE - free range to support attack ads, but have struck down all existing state laws that place restrictions on contributions. Pouring salt into the wounds the decision, by citing the first amendment to the constitution they have blocked any possibility of corrective legislation. There is a bi-partisan bill in the house -H.R. 1826 - that has languished for some time that calls for public financing to be instituted but short of either ratifying an amendment to the constitution or all out revolution - neither of which is likely - there is no solution except for voters to soundly reject candidates who accept or do not condemn this practice. How ironic that this stormy decade is bookmarked by the Supreme Court decision in 2000 that gave us W and this decision in 2010 that sanctions the selling of the soul of the political process. The very least we can do is to make our anger known!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The things I do in the name of the Democratic Party! Attended the Tiahrt "Town Hall" meeting at HCC Stringer Fine Arts Center thinking it might actually be an opportunity for a democratic exchange of ideas. Oh foolish child that I am! This should have been billed as a right-wing rally. Todd devoted an hour and 15 minutes to "Liberal Bashing" to the delight of the crowd (with one notable exception).

I expected a slanted view of the Health Care Reform struggles but in light of the articles in The Hutchinson News of late December, thought he might actually try to address the problems of ALL Kansans. The graphic accompanying one of the articles revealed the depths of the need in our state, especially in the western half. SIXTEEN counties reported that one fifth - 20% or more of its non-elderly residents were uninsured. In addition it listed NINE counties with 25% up to almost 30% (!) of the non-elderly are without insurance.

But take heart, Todd expressed his support for unregulated campaign contributions as long as they were made public in 24 hours of receipt - yeah, that's really going to Congress honest!

Todd may be deeply ingrained in the ultra-religious "Family" organization but Ti(NO)ahrt hasn't let that affiliation influence him in favor of any pesky Christian attitudes towards the needy. At least not if it goes against the GOP party line.