A number of long-time Democrats met at the home of Linda Laird to discuss current issues. As a result several attendees visited the Hutchinson office of Sen-elect/Representative Jerry Moran to voice their concerns. Items addressed included the "Millionaire Bailout"/repeal of DADT/rising costs of health care. Local, state and national officials need to know that we are constituents as well and demand their attention. Actions such as this, writing a letter or making a phone call have an impact. Spurred on by rant radio/FOX and the Tea Party, extremists have used these tactics to make their presence known. It's time for Progressive, Liberal Democrats to take up these tools and learn to use them effectively.
Friday, November 19, 2010

It wasn't the results we had hoped for. Across the state, across the nation the power of money from special interests, a sorry lack of accurate information and a combination of voter apathy and anger shook the foundations of government and incumbants. We can be proud of the campaigns mounted by Kansas Democrats. Obviously being on the right side of issues doesn't always translate into winning. In an interesting development several of the GOP candidates booked space at the Anchor Inn alongside the Election Night Democratic Party. They ate and left as the reporters and photographers from the Hutch News stayed on to talk with RCDems. Best lesson of the night, hold your head high and be proud of standing up for what you believe in. Our congratulations to the fine Democratic candidates we supported - our sympathies to Kansas at the loss of outstanding public servants that served the state and the political process so well.
Democratic headquarters was a beehive of activity on the last Saturday prior to the election. About a dozen volunteers showed up to make last minute calls in support of candidates and to encourage voters to go to the poles. Though the reports from polls don't look promising, Reno County Democrats don't give up easily. And there's always that next opportunity on the horizon.
Saturday, October 16, 2010

An unexpected call the day of the Holland/Brownback debate and the hospitality of Jon Powell added up to a pleasant evening for RCDemocrats as they gathered to watch the spectacle with Holland's running mate, Kelly Kultala. Kultala had joined the RCDems earlier this summer to march in the Emancipation Day parade. Attendees at the improptu event were pleased with Holland's appearance at the debate. None are surprised that Senator Sammy doesn't wish to appear side by side with him in further debates.
Jack Mace (KS House District 104) and Curt Miller (KS House District 101) appeared at the forum sponsored by Hutch CU, Hutch News and Young Professionals at the Ramada Inn to answer questions submitted by voters. Both did an outstanding job and are deserving of all the support we can muster. Signs for both candidates and others are available at the Reno Co Democratic HQ.
It was a cool, crisp autumn morning, perfect for a parade. About a dozen Reno Co Democrats joined Jack Mace, candidate for KS house district 104 to show their support. Mace is a frequent substitute teacher in the Buhler schools and has gained the support of teachers throughout the county. It was interesting to note that his incumbant opponent was on hand as well but only to drive his vehicle with no supporters in sight.
Numerous voters were invited to get acquainted with Gubenatorial candidate Tom Holland. A sizable crowd including Independents and Republicans came to the Dillon Nature Center to hear Mr. Holland speak. The event was sponsored by the Taylors and included an impressive assortment of refreshements provided by volunteers. Both Holland and his staff were impressed with the success of the event and the hospitality shown them.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
(Proof positive if I can manage the Internet then anybody can) A new crop of Young Democrats joined in the large crowd on hand to support Tom Holland in his debate with Senator Sam. Forgive me for stooping to partisan sniping but when I saw the stickers favored by the yellow-shirted group reading "I'm a Brown-backer" couldn't help thinking it should instead read "I'm a Brown-noser". This because those who showed up were treated to free transportation, free shirts, free lunch and free admission to the fair - all courtesy of our Senator Sam. Money can indeed buy a lot of things. Let's just hope Kansas isn't for sale in November. It's up to us, people!
According to all volunteers who worked throughout the fair, this was a common remark: "I don't want Brownback for governor" (and some even stronger comments from members of his own party). Whether or not this negative response can bring moderate voters into Tom Holland's camp is largely dependent on us. Talk to undecided or waivering voters. Acquaint yourself with Tom's positions, history and accomplishments at working in a bipartisan effort to improve Kansas. He's working hard to defeat the extremism that's invading our state. We need to pitch in and help him in that effort.
Having a hard time getting some of my photos from the fair transferred. They are worth the wait and hope to have them up for your enjoyment soon. Thanks for your patience. This one that I miraculously managed to download does give a great view of the KDP side of the booth where mainly state and federal candidates were featured. Check the blog again soon as I struggle to conquer the challenges of Techno-world!
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Following a well attended Last Thursday meeting of Reno County Democrats, ideas were thrown around for a slogan or sign that might help spread the truth about this election season's Democratic candidates. Putting their heads together Frances Garcia and James Taylor came up with the catch phrase above. In this time when the GOP is rushing to embrace the extremism of candidates such as Huelscamp, Kobach and Senator Sam, Democrats do indeed appear to be the party of moderation. This is the message that needs to get out. Write a letter, talk to a friend and let Kansans know that Democrats have the sensible answers to the problems the state is facing. Then volunteer and vote to put them in office!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
It's a sad state of affairs when Kansans say they can't run for office because it might hurt their business; when employees are literally afraid for their job if they "go public" with their support of a Democratic candidate; when eligible voters stay home because "you can't win against the Republicans". These are direct quotes I have heard over the past few years.
Unless you are ready to accept the extremism represented by Birthers, the Tea Party and believers of Beck, Limbaugh and their ilk, it's time to realize that YOU CAN make a difference. As important as it is to vote, it's just not enough. There's nothing radical in the positions held by our Democratic candidates. They are moderate and practical in their common sense approach to addressing the challenges faced in Kansas and the United States. But they can't succeed without our full support. Resolve today to do all you can in this critical election year - or live with the consequences.
Candidates for Lt. Gov. Kelly Kultala, US House of Rep. Alan Jilka and Ks House of Rep. Jack Mace (not pictured) all turned out to participate in Saturday's parade along with an army of supportive Democrats. Somehow an old joke came to mind: How do you keep an "elephant" away? Since the GOP candidates were conspicuous in their absence the answer must be, celebrate Emancipation Day!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kansas State Senator and running mate for Tom Holland, Kelly Kultala will join Reno County Democrats to appear in the August 7 Emancipation Day Parade. This is Kultala's second trip to Hutchinson recently as she was the featured luncheon speaker at the Democratic Women's convention in late June. Reno County is calculated by some to be key to victories by several of this year's candidates. It's up to us not to disappoint when called upon to support them.
Temperatures were a little cooler as Reno County Democrats gathered in the shade at the courthouse to hear KS 1st District candidate Alan Jilka. Jack Mace running for state 104th district representative greeted Jilka and discussed campaign plans. Most agree Jilka's Republican opponent Heulscamp is at the far right fringes of politics potentially making him easier to defeat. There are several opportunities for Democratic gains in Kansas this fall but it will take a whole hearted effort.
Friday, July 30, 2010
A large enthusiastic crowd turned out for ice cream, baked goods and to hear from candidates at the unofficial kick-off of the Democratic election headquarters. Continuing a growing trend there were several new faces in the crowd. Two candidates competing for the US Senate seat made presentations to the group. Lisa Johnston is shown answering questions after her talk. Judge Randy McEwen (shown) and Trish Rose, both running for District Court judge shared their views on the office. Most notable was the respectful tone set by the candidates especially when contrasted with the charges of lying and distortion seen in ads from GOP candidates.
The headquarters will open officially on September 1st, Tuesday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Signs, buttons and literature will be available through the general election. There will be fundraisers, monthly meetings and other activities in the coming months so there's no excuse not to be informed and active as the season progresses. All Reno County Democrats are encouraged to do their part to help our candidates succeed.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Clouds, sprinkles and competintion from the TEA-Baggers' entry couldn't keep loyal Democrats from making an outstanding showing at the Hutchinson celebration honoring America's birthday. If you include the many other Democrats that helped with entries from Democratic candidates Jack Mace, Trish Rose and Randy McEwen the response was even more impressive. Many thanks to all who turned out in support. There will be other opportunities during this election season for everyone to get involved.
It was from all accounts a stunning success. The state convention for Kansas Democratic Women featured a candidate forum, lively discussions (Pres. Betty Taylor addressing delegates), successful fundraising efforts (Treas. Judy Langley models shirt at live auction) and entertainment for attendees from across the state. This was a prime example of the strength in unity and cooperation among Democrats.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Kansas is acknowledged to be one of the "Reddest of Red" States, so why has the GOP estabishment concentrated sending their heavy hitters to our fair state: George H. W. Bush, John Ashcraft, Mike Huckabee, a double dose of Sarah Palin and soon "Turd Blossom" himself, Karl Rove? Could it be they are worried that Kansas Democrats pose a real threat in 2010?
Think about it and then GET INVOLVED to make the difference!

Think about it and then GET INVOLVED to make the difference!

Sunday, May 16, 2010
There was a good turnout to meet and greet gubenatorial candidate Tom Holland. He is a very impressive speaker and should really outshine Senator Sam at debates if given the opportunity. I encourage everyone to check out Holland's webpage to read more about this remarkable Kansan who is truly deserving of our support. We have been spoiled since 2002 with the leadership of first Sebelius and then Parkinson who gave some balance and sanity to Topeka. It's a sure thing that this will NOT be the case if Senator Sam takes over the reins. Democrats and what ever moderate GOP will be willing to stand up to him will have a difficult time trying to stop the steamroller of Sam and the conservatives if they take charge.

This shot from Palin's Wichita appearance was forwarded from a member of the Progressive caucus who took delight in telling those around him that he got his ticket for their $37 to $90+ seats for just $15. Seems they were practically giving them away as the event approached and still there were many empty seats. He also reported the many technical difficulties (sound system, large projection screen etc.) that plagued the show. Is Sarah's shine starting to tarnish? We can only hope so. But there will always be those as at the NRA convention eager to hear her baldface lies that "given the chance, Obama would gut the second amendment". Hard to take that faction of voters serious when they buy into her nonsense but unfortunately they are very motivated. Which means we had best be even more motivated!
Thursday, March 11, 2010

There was a high energy level at this year's gathering of Kansas Democrats at Washington Days. Attendees were treated to speeches from the growing roster of candidates for the 2010 election including Gubenatorial candidate Tom Holland. Senator Holland should push for as many debates as possible as he proved to be an excellent speaker especially compared to the lack luster style of Senator Sam. There was a substantial response to the Reno County display seeking input regarding the State Fair Booth. This meeting prompted a lot of worthwhile discussions and idea sharing from Democrats throughout Kansas. It had one of the largest number of participants to date, showing the growing enthusiasm and willingness to support Democratic candidates this fall.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Anyone who knows me knows I am not a rabid sports fan. When the hype was building over the superbowl, I knew early on I was on the side of the Saints. I was delighted when President Obama went out on a limb stating his support of the team. Some criticized his choosing a favorite, but as he stated "I'm for the underdog". This summed up my sentiments exactly. New Orleans needed a boost; the establishment needed to be shaken up; and after hearing "Maja- Rushie" wax eloquent over the unlikelihood of the Saints coming up with a win I was more adamant in my support than I have ever been over a superbowl team.
So here's the challenge to Kansas Democrats: if the Saints can fight their way back from a ten point deficit against an award winning quarterback, then we should take heart and be willing to stand up for our beliefs. Democrats are engaged in a contest against a potential governor who votes against a bill that includes huge amounts of earmarks he boasts of benefiting Kansas. Ditto for the darling of the conservatives who wants to be our next senator. Both are affiliated with a radical group that has co-opted religion for political means. A Hutchinson legislator who has been the subject of charges of nepotism is now set to benefit financially by representing some of his generous donors in a suit he has filed against our state! It is time for Democrats to stand up and fight for honest, capable leadership in Kansas. No doubt about it - we are the underdogs. We have the talent, we have the incentive now we need the will to win!
So here's the challenge to Kansas Democrats: if the Saints can fight their way back from a ten point deficit against an award winning quarterback, then we should take heart and be willing to stand up for our beliefs. Democrats are engaged in a contest against a potential governor who votes against a bill that includes huge amounts of earmarks he boasts of benefiting Kansas. Ditto for the darling of the conservatives who wants to be our next senator. Both are affiliated with a radical group that has co-opted religion for political means. A Hutchinson legislator who has been the subject of charges of nepotism is now set to benefit financially by representing some of his generous donors in a suit he has filed against our state! It is time for Democrats to stand up and fight for honest, capable leadership in Kansas. No doubt about it - we are the underdogs. We have the talent, we have the incentive now we need the will to win!
Friday, January 29, 2010

Have I been thrilled with progress from the Oval Office to date? No. But do I believe that with the cooperation of Congress there could be real headway? Absolutely. We have candidates who are willing to do the work necessary; Alan Jilka running for the Big 1st District and Charles Schollenberger standing against Tiahrt or Moran. If we just fold up our tents and refuse to fight for better representation we all know where it leads - NOWHERE. There are voting records and past positions that leave Republicans vulnerable but it requires the effort of us all to get the information out. Thanks to the Supreme Court's decision it's more important than ever that individuals fight for their voices to be heard. Obama made a plea for cooperation saying he couldn't do the job alone. If the right in Congress isn't willing to support the way forward it's up to us to lend the support needed to turn the country around. The GOP establishment, rant radio and right wing extremists want this administration to fail. In our silence we would be supporting their agenda.
Monday, January 25, 2010

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