It's a sad state of affairs when Kansans say they can't run for office because it might hurt their business; when employees are literally afraid for their job if they "go public" with their support of a Democratic candidate; when eligible voters stay home because "you can't win against the Republicans". These are direct quotes I have heard over the past few years.
Unless you are ready to accept the extremism represented by Birthers, the Tea Party and believers of Beck, Limbaugh and their ilk, it's time to realize that YOU CAN make a difference. As important as it is to vote, it's just not enough. There's nothing radical in the positions held by our Democratic candidates. They are moderate and practical in their common sense approach to addressing the challenges faced in Kansas and the United States. But they can't succeed without our full support. Resolve today to do all you can in this critical election year - or live with the consequences.
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