Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This will be the first of a series to introduce you to Democratic candidates for the upcoming election. Meet Barbara Anderson, running for Register of Deeds. There has been an ongoing effort to find candidates to run for positions at the courthouse. A newcomer to RCDems, Barbara has been actively campaigning. She greeted many people at the Cinco de Mayo booth, has attended Last Wednesday Meetings and as shown here joined in the Saltfest Parade. Barbara has indicated she will be joining in the 4th of July efforts as well. You'll be seeing more of her in the months to come as we offer forums and events to acquaint voters with their candidates.
I have received several emails regarding the site address for this blog published in the most recent RCD newletter. At this point it was given as information to enter in a search not as a direct link. Efforts will be made to establish this link if possible. Our blogspot address has been submitted for inclusion to the KDP website as well. In the meantime tell your friends and interested parties how to reach us. Thanks to all who responded for their encouragement.
Don't forget the Last Wednesday meeting this week, June 25 at the Great Wall/Mongolian Buffet, 1528 E 17th, 5:30 to 7:00 pm. See you there.

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