Sunday, October 5, 2008


We're coming down to crunch time. Across the country polls are swinging in Obama's favor and "by golly", McCain's campaign has unleashed a Limbaugh avatar in the guise of Sarah Palin. "There they go again" with smears and outright lies when "gosh darn it", policies and suitability for the office just aren't "cuttin' it" anymore. It's becoming clear that every vote is vital. States that were once solidly "red" are lining up or leaning, "blue". Kansas remains crimson at this point but when one takes into consideration the huge numbers of re-registered Republicans, the unaffiliated, previously unregistered and young voters who are often not canvassed in polls, this could be THE YEAR!

People are asking "what can I do?". So here are some tips that can make the difference:

  • Apply for an advance ballot NOW. Applications are available at Democratic HQ or at the courthouse. The ballot will be sent by mail and may be returned up until polls close on election day however the SOONER the BETTER to get that vote in. Encourage friends and neighbors to use this method as well.
  • Even better; starting October 22 through November 3 you can cast your early vote at the courthouse from 8 AM to 5 PM. On October 30 only the courthouse will open for voting until 7 PM.
  • ADDITIONAL EARLY VOTING PLACES: October 24 from 9 AM to 6 PM at the Hutchinson Community College student union Blue Dragon Room. Weekends (Sat. & Sun.) at the Hutchinson Mall - Oct 25, 10 - 6; Oct 26, 12 - 4; Oct 31, 10 - 4; Nov 1, 10 - 6.
  • Contact Democratic HQ for phone lists of Democrats and Unaffiliated voters you can contact to remind them of the importance of this election.
  • Send a letter of support to the Hutchinson News' Western Front. The local GOP is getting letter-writers out in force so it's imperative these are answered with support for Democratic candidates.
  • Yard signs can go up NOW.

These are simple things you can do that will have an impact. More than any election in memory, this is the one that can't be ignored.

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