Sunday, August 10, 2008


Due to the large celebration planned for Thursday August 28th at the new Campaign Headquarters for the Reno County Democrats, there will be no Last Wednesday meeting for August on Wednesday the 27th. This event will include the annual Ice Cream Social festivities. There will be a large screen TV so we can watch Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech broadcast from the National Convention in Denver. Local candidates will be on hand. As campaigns and offices don't run on just enthusiasm and good will, contributions will be welcome. If you are not already a member of the Cornerstone Club, consider lending your support.
Speaking of fund raising there will be a Dave Inskeep event at the Anchor Inn on Thursday August 21st from 5:50 to 7:00 pm. The suggested donation of $20 includes access to the special food bar set up for the event by Anchor Inn. All candidates are welcome to publicize any similar events by contacting us at

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