Saturday, August 30, 2008


It took three television sets, trays of baked goods, MANY scoops of ice cream and the help of some of the most dedicated Reno County Democrats and in the end it was an evening to remember. RCDemocrats hosted nearly 100 people at the Grand Opening of campaign headquarters Thursday night. Commissioner Garcia, Mayor Rose, NAACP President Pope were among the guests. All of our area candidates were there as well and had the chance to address potential supporters. The Linda, wife of Senate hopeful James Slattery dropped in and was astounded at the large turnout. James Bordonaro, running against Representative Moran was among one of the first to arrive and stayed throughout the evening. The enthusiasm for Obama's speech in the large viewing room was inspiring. A crowd of all ages, men and women alike applauded frequently as they watched the huge crowds gathered to encourage our presidential candidate.
We're hoping for as enthusiastic a crowd for the Presidential Rally to be held Thursday October 16 at the Salvation Army Facility starting at 7 PM. There will be refreshments, speakers, entertainment and maybe a few surprises in store.
Campaign literature and signs are starting to arrive at the office. We are suggesting a donation of $5 for the Obama signs but all others are free. Donations are always appreciated to help cover operating expenses. We now have a phone number for the office: 200-0279.
Want to remind everyone to come to the State Fair to support James Slattery at his debate with Pat Roberts, Saturday September 6 at 10 AM. Roberts is reported to be busing in supporters so we need to show our support in HUGE numbers. The Slattery campaign has put out an appeal for volunteers to staff his booth at the fair as well. If you could give an hour or so to help you can email the campaign:
Finally a heartfelt thank you to all who support the efforts of the Reno County Democrats in so many ways through the year. We ARE making a difference thanks to YOU.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Officers for the Hutchinson High Young Democrats met with sponsor Kam McEwen at the home of President Catlin Doornbos to discuss projects for the upcoming year. Suggestions included possible fundraisers, a mock election at the high school and visits to classes to encourage new members. The group has been active supporting area candidates this summer and will continue their efforts into the election season.


It was standing room only at the Anchor Inn. Dave's name recognition is growing as is the depth of his support across party lines in Reno County. The Inskeep campaign will soon be distributing signs to be posted throughout the area. You can show your support picking up your sign at the RCD headquarters at 1129 West 4th street when they become available. Can't put out a sign? Letters to the Editor in the Hutch News are also an effective way to help send Dave to Topeka. For further information contact


Ask the next Democratic woman you see if they have tickets for this year's fundraiser. For a suggested donation of 1 ticket for $5 or 3 for $10 you might find yourself out on the town in Hutchinson with $50 credit for meals at Marcella's Continental Italian Cuisine and $50 to use for a Fox Theatre Season production of your choice. If that isn't incentive enough, you will have the satisfaction of supporting the scholarship program which assists Reno County Democratic students to further their schooling. Do your part to help with this worthwhile project. A drawing for the winner will be held at the October 14 luncheon meeting. You may order tickets at

Sunday, August 17, 2008


All Reno County Democrat officers and a substantial number of committee men and women showed up for this required reorganizational meeting. While there were additional nominees for some posts our roster of officers will remain the same: Vic Moser, County Chair; Judy Langley, Vice-Chair; Trish Rose, Secretary; Kam McEwen, Treasurer. Patrick Clark made an appeal for additional precinct/township committee persons to fill vacancies. Bill Rogers reported on progress with the upcoming GRAND OPENING festivities for August 28. The office opening, viewing party and ice cream social combined event will be held from 7:00 ro 10:30 PM. Obama's speech is scheduled for 9:00 CDT to be viewed on a large screen TV. A request was put out for baked goods to accompany the ice cream being offered that evening. In response to Bill's report of the ongoing need for additional funds for events, campaign HQ and candidate support , several in attendance made generous pledges. Donations in any amount are appreciated and will help provide a healthy presense of the Democratic Party in Reno County.
We are still looking for furnishings, computer/printer to outfit the office. Postage, phone service, rent, supplies - all come out of our treasury so any donations of items will be helpful. If you would care to contribute in some way you may contact us at

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


You see them everywhere and yes, they really can have an impact, especially for candidates trying to establish name recognition. Here are some tips and regulations that must be observed. While these are specific to Hutchinson, area towns and Reno County regs are similar. If in doubt, check with the county court house or city offices in your area. These items cost the candidates and signs have been "confiscated" for non-compliance.
  • Signs are allowed not more than 30 days before election and should be removed within 7 days following election
  • Consent must be obtained if not your property
  • In residential areas, sign must not exceed 6 square feet. In other areas must not exceed 32 square feet
  • Sign must be free standing, not attached to other structures
  • Signs must NOT be placed in public right-of-way, usually meaning not between street and sidewalk
  • If sign creates "hazard" it may be removed by city
  • Though removal is the usual course of action for failure to observe the restrictions, there could be fines or penalties


Sunday, August 10, 2008


Due to the large celebration planned for Thursday August 28th at the new Campaign Headquarters for the Reno County Democrats, there will be no Last Wednesday meeting for August on Wednesday the 27th. This event will include the annual Ice Cream Social festivities. There will be a large screen TV so we can watch Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech broadcast from the National Convention in Denver. Local candidates will be on hand. As campaigns and offices don't run on just enthusiasm and good will, contributions will be welcome. If you are not already a member of the Cornerstone Club, consider lending your support.
Speaking of fund raising there will be a Dave Inskeep event at the Anchor Inn on Thursday August 21st from 5:50 to 7:00 pm. The suggested donation of $20 includes access to the special food bar set up for the event by Anchor Inn. All candidates are welcome to publicize any similar events by contacting us at

Sunday, August 3, 2008



US Senate: James Slattery
US House, 1st Dist: James Bordonaro
KS Senate, Dist 34: David Inskeep
KS House, 101 Dist: Mark Treaster
KS House, 102 Dist: Jan Pauls
KS House, 113 Dist: Mike Laudick
Magistrate Judge: Randall McEwen
Register of Deeds: Barbara Alexander
County Comm, 3 Dist: Tom Litchfield
County Comm, 2 Dist: Kenneth Jorns