Friday, July 30, 2010


A large enthusiastic crowd turned out for ice cream, baked goods and to hear from candidates at the unofficial kick-off of the Democratic election headquarters. Continuing a growing trend there were several new faces in the crowd. Two candidates competing for the US Senate seat made presentations to the group. Lisa Johnston is shown answering questions after her talk. Judge Randy McEwen (shown) and Trish Rose, both running for District Court judge shared their views on the office. Most notable was the respectful tone set by the candidates especially when contrasted with the charges of lying and distortion seen in ads from GOP candidates.
The headquarters will open officially on September 1st, Tuesday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Signs, buttons and literature will be available through the general election. There will be fundraisers, monthly meetings and other activities in the coming months so there's no excuse not to be informed and active as the season progresses. All Reno County Democrats are encouraged to do their part to help our candidates succeed.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Clouds, sprinkles and competintion from the TEA-Baggers' entry couldn't keep loyal Democrats from making an outstanding showing at the Hutchinson celebration honoring America's birthday. If you include the many other Democrats that helped with entries from Democratic candidates Jack Mace, Trish Rose and Randy McEwen the response was even more impressive. Many thanks to all who turned out in support. There will be other opportunities during this election season for everyone to get involved.


It was from all accounts a stunning success. The state convention for Kansas Democratic Women featured a candidate forum, lively discussions (Pres. Betty Taylor addressing delegates), successful fundraising efforts (Treas. Judy Langley models shirt at live auction) and entertainment for attendees from across the state. This was a prime example of the strength in unity and cooperation among Democrats.