While it is hoped that ideas expressed are in line with Democratic principles, they are the opinions of one person, not necessarily those of all Reno County Democrats.
Kansas is acknowledged to be one of the "Reddest of Red" States, so why has the GOP estabishment concentrated sending their heavy hitters to our fair state: George H. W. Bush, John Ashcraft, Mike Huckabee, a double dose of Sarah Palin and soon "Turd Blossom" himself, Karl Rove? Could it be they are worried that Kansas Democrats pose a real threat in 2010? Think about it and then GET INVOLVED to make the difference!
Mailing address: RCD, PO BOX 622, Hutchinson,KS 67504
Cornerstone Club - Memberships give yearly financial support to party activities at several support levels
Young Democrats - Interested students at Hutch High and HCC are welcome - Regular meetings thoughout the year. YDs participate in many RCD activities
Reno County Democratic Women - Guests welcome - Second Tuesday every month, Noon to 1:00 pm, Airport Steakhouse,Hutchinson
Scheduled meetings of Reno County Democrats are held Last Wednesday of the month in the private dining area at the Sirloin Stockade, 1526 E 17th - 5:30 to 7 PM and are announced via our newsletter. To subscribe or for further information email renodemo@earthlink.net
Visit Reno County Democrats page and group on Facebook. You'll also find fellow Democrats and like-minded groups from across the state to "friend".
This is a new exciting addition to our efforts to reach out to Democrats across Reno County and surrounding areas. It is being published in response to the often repeated comment "I didn't know there were any other Democrats!" We're here. We're involved. We're looking forward to getting to know you.