commentary on the Fairness Doctrine. Moyers spoke of its history, when it was repealed under the Reagan administration and that the ranters are now sqealing about its possible resurrection and how that would adversely affect them. Limbaugh first suggested that Moyers was just envious of the money he makes and then launched into a tirade about main stream media having "it all their way" under the Fairness Doctrine. This of course makes no sense as FD granted access to opposing views - something we have now lost. More important though was the impression left by Rush that Moyers was supporting the Fairness Doctrine. Exactly the opposite is true. Moyers was clear in stating that he was AGAINST the repeal; that there should be no limits or restrictions put on broadcasters. By not playing the whole quote, Limbaugh gave exactly the opposite impression of Moyers' point. So his throngs of fans will go forth spewing more half-truths as fact. That's precisely why I make myself pay attention occassionally. I want to know how they operate and why there is so much MISINFORMATION accepted as truth. Forewarned is forearmed! or Know the truth and the truth will set you free.