Monday, September 29, 2008


Enjoy seeing what RCDems have been up to. From the fair to the Governor's reception to debate watch parties, we're growing in numbers and keeping busy.


Fear I've fallen behind in posting new entries. It seems the election season is in full swing and things are busier than ever in the office. 22 large highway signs for Slattery have gone out across the area - Barton, Rice, McPherson, Pawnee and of course, Reno County are all making their support for a change in the senate.

Obama bumper stickers have flown out so we're trying to get a few more. Kam McEwen and the Young Democrats are working overtime to keep us supplied with campaign buttons so we have a good supply again. In high demand are buttons with photos so get yours while they're still available. In six days we will be able to put up yard signs. So far our supply is holding up but they are being picked up steadily with about 20 going out just last week.

A group of 15 showed up for last Friday's Debate Watch so we're going ahead with another for the VP debates. As long as there's interest we'll continue to open the office for these events. Further evidence of the growing interest in Reno County Democrats was the call we received from the Hutch News inquiring about the debate. They followed up by sending a reporter down to take photos and then published some of the remarks. If you saw the article Saturday you might have noticed there were no responces from local Republicans. Evidently they had no organized events. As if to reinforce my observations of a surge in interest there were new faces at the debate watch, several never before seen Democrats came by the office to talk and pick up items and I received an email from a couple that moved here from Michigan a few months ago wanting to get acquainted with RCDems. I love the familiar faces and friends but it's those who are showing up for the first time that signal the success of our efforts.

We'll soon be starting door to door and telephone canvassing to contact and encourage early voting. There is a new automated connection system for phoning that has been set up by the state party that will make it very easy to accomplish from your home phone. We'll be getting additional information out so if you're interested in helping with this vital effort give me a call and I'll add your name to the list.

The presidential rally planned for October 16, 7 PM at the Salvation Army at 700 N Walnut is going to be one of the best events we've ever had. Live music, refreshments, speakers and a lot of new features will entertain and enthuse all who attend. RCDems are doing a great job and are to be congratulated but we can always use more help. This one is too important too set out!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Things are happening at a dizzying pace. We are hearing more and more that calls into question the wisdom of Sen. McCain's choice of a running mate. The smear ads from his campaign are everywhere and it has been reported that the same group that provided the "Swift Boat" ads of the 2004 election season are making ready to attack Senator Obama with more distortions and lies. With only seven weeks left until election day it's up to those of us on the grass roots level to get the truth out.

At the campaign headquarters the Obama yard signs and buttons are a popular item. We've had Democrats from Rice, Barton and Reno county in the office to pick up these items regularly. While this is encouraging, what is missing is Letters to the Editor/Western Front. These messages are important as they indicate to the public the level of support for Barack Obama's candidacy. Please consider adding your voice to the mix. The most effective letters are those that give simple, honest endorcements. If you wish, it may be helpful to briefly state why you are in favor of electing Senator Obama. We don't want to resort to the negativity of McCain's tactics but positive support can be effective. Talk to friends and acquaintances about the election too. The tragedy would be if we wake up on November 5th to discover a continuation of the last eight years because we didn't make the effort to get involved.

Watch for postings of photos from the fair, fundraisers and other recent events in the next few days. We're planning on opening the office on the nights of the presidential and vice-presidential debates. (Fri, Sept 26-Tues, Oct 7-Weds, Oct 15- Thurs, Oct 2 for VP) RCDemocrats are welcome to drop by to share the evening with us. You may bring snacks, beverages as well.

Any questions or comments: contact RCDemocratic HQ at 620-200-0279 Tues through Fri.