New faces showing up, familiar faces returning and plenty of activities planned for August. That sums up the July Last Wednesday Meeting. Several of the participants involved in the Obama- Democratic Platform gathering came to introduce themselves at the meeting. Organizer Heidi Unruh brought her family and made a presentation about the results of the discussions. Hutchinson Mayor Trish Rose stopped by as well as many of the Democratic candidates. Dave Inskeep(KS State Senate), Barbara Alexander(Register of Deeds), Ken Jorns(County Commission, District 2) and Tom Litchfield(County Commission, District 3) addressed the group briefly. Dave Inskeep announced several upcoming campaign events: a coffee and door to door walk in Buhler on August 9th and a fundraiser at Anchor Inn on August 21. Any candidate planning an event is welcome to submit particulars which will be mentioned both here and listed in greater detail on the RCD website ( on the events page.
Fundraising committee Chair Bill Rogers announced plans for the annual RCDemocrats 2nd annual ice cream social. This is one you won't want to miss as there may be some special surprises in store. Watch for information in a newsletter coming out soon.
County Chair Vic Moser also revealed the date for the Grand Opening of the Reno County Democratic Headquarters on Thursday, August 28. The celebration at 1129 West 4th street will be held in conjunction with Barack Obama's acceptance speech from the convention in Denver. More details will be provided as they become available.
Don't forget about the Emancipation Day Parade this Saturday morning, August 2 starting at 10 am at 1st and Main. If you would like to join other Democrats in the march down Main Street, be at 1st and Washington around 9:30. Let's make this one as successful as the July 4th.
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
regarding the Democratic National Platform, supporters were encouraged to gather for discussions and feedback. Heide Unruh opened her home to interested Democrats. There was a lively discussion of a variety of issues but dominated by thoughts on reproductive rights. Positions ran from total rejection of abortions to support for a woman's right to choose. The one area of agreement was that the issue is used against all Democrats regardless of their individual stance. There was an overwhelming consensus on most vital planks; environment, health care, social security, campaign finance reform, etc. Perhaps most encouraging was to see many new involved Democrats. At the end of the meeting the photo was taken of some of those who attended.
Friday, July 25, 2008
There were many familiar faces to be seen. County Chair Vic Moser is pictured talking to Treasure Kam McEwen while active local Democrat Jade Piros, who served as timekeeper for the event looks on. The support for our RCD candidates was obvious as the evening progressed.
The audience was engaged and eager to hear the responses from the participating candidates, a group just about evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. There were three instances of particular note. One was when a Rep. candidate expressed the wish that discussions of vehicles for the sheriff's department should have been held behind closed doors. Dem. Kevin Branscom was quick to counter that when matters of the public's tax money were in question, it should never be behind closed doors. The second incident was when a question was directed to Dave Inskeep's opponent. The current Senator was asked about his professional affiliation as attorney for a rural electric co-op, known to be supportive of the Holcomb plant proposal and whether or not it constituted a conflict of interest. While he did offer a credible reponse that it did not qualify as a conflict, his remark before he answered was that it was a "nosey" question. It seemed to this observer that a pattern could be seen in these two responses. The final noteworthy response came from Dem. State Representative Mark Treaster who declared that he would not back down from a position that he believed was the correct one. These are clear indications of the integrity or lack of the same we can expect. Maybe the best example of why your support and willingness to engage in the elections is so vital.
Two quick reminders: there is an event planned for Sunday evening to discuss input to the Democratic Party's platform sponsored by the campaign of Barack Obama that was reported in the Hutchinson News. I tried to make contact with the individual but with no success. The information given was that the event will begin at 6 pm at the home of Heidi Unruh, 1710 E 2nd.
The annual Emancipation Day Parade will be Saturday August 2 starting at 10 am. This parade runs from North to South Main street and is followed by many activities. Again we are making the effort to have a presence. More information will be sent out by RCD email newsletter and posted on the website. Try to be there.
The audience was engaged and eager to hear the responses from the participating candidates, a group just about evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. There were three instances of particular note. One was when a Rep. candidate expressed the wish that discussions of vehicles for the sheriff's department should have been held behind closed doors. Dem. Kevin Branscom was quick to counter that when matters of the public's tax money were in question, it should never be behind closed doors. The second incident was when a question was directed to Dave Inskeep's opponent. The current Senator was asked about his professional affiliation as attorney for a rural electric co-op, known to be supportive of the Holcomb plant proposal and whether or not it constituted a conflict of interest. While he did offer a credible reponse that it did not qualify as a conflict, his remark before he answered was that it was a "nosey" question. It seemed to this observer that a pattern could be seen in these two responses. The final noteworthy response came from Dem. State Representative Mark Treaster who declared that he would not back down from a position that he believed was the correct one. These are clear indications of the integrity or lack of the same we can expect. Maybe the best example of why your support and willingness to engage in the elections is so vital.
Two quick reminders: there is an event planned for Sunday evening to discuss input to the Democratic Party's platform sponsored by the campaign of Barack Obama that was reported in the Hutchinson News. I tried to make contact with the individual but with no success. The information given was that the event will begin at 6 pm at the home of Heidi Unruh, 1710 E 2nd.
The annual Emancipation Day Parade will be Saturday August 2 starting at 10 am. This parade runs from North to South Main street and is followed by many activities. Again we are making the effort to have a presence. More information will be sent out by RCD email newsletter and posted on the website. Try to be there.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Signs for State Senate candidate Dave Inskeep are now available at the Union Labor Temple at 5th and Main in Hutchinson - contact Bill Rogers We'd like to meet the goal of 200 of these signs posted throughout Reno County.
The candidate forum is Thursday, July 24 at 7:00 PM in the Shears Technology Center across the parking lot from the Student Union on the Hutchinson Community College Campus, 1300 North Plum. It's important to our candidates that we show up to support them.
Friday, July 18, 2008
County Chair Vic Moser has put out a plea for individuals willing to fill vacant positions on the August 5th Primary Election Boards. There is an unusually high number of vacancies for this election. The wages run from over $8 per hour plus mileage to over $6 per hour depending on the position. Poll hours will be from 7:00 am to 7:00pm with the actual work day probably running from 6 to 8:30. Training sessions will be held July 29, 30, 31 at the fairgrounds from 10:00 am to noon. Supervisors will have a little longer session running from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on July 30 and 31.
You must be a registered voter in Reno County, at least 18 by General Election on November 4. You may be assigned to a precinct/township other than where you vote. For more information you may contact or contact Holly at the County Clerk's office 620-694-2954. Deadline to sign up is Friday July 25.
This is an opportunity for Reno County Democrats to earn a little extra income and become more involved in the polictical process while ensuring the election process is conducted fairly.
You must be a registered voter in Reno County, at least 18 by General Election on November 4. You may be assigned to a precinct/township other than where you vote. For more information you may contact or contact Holly at the County Clerk's office 620-694-2954. Deadline to sign up is Friday July 25.
This is an opportunity for Reno County Democrats to earn a little extra income and become more involved in the polictical process while ensuring the election process is conducted fairly.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
If you haven't make a trip to our website yet this is the time to give it a try. In addition to a photo gallery and updates on events you will now find a page for your opinions and ideas. Everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts by sending them to RCD email . Items will be reviewed before being posted. Replies will be treated in the same manner. Then click over to the new reviews page. Democrats are great at finding the best TV shows, movies, books etc. So here's your chance to share the best you have recently discovered or a longtime favorite. This site reaches beyond Reno County across Kansas so your involvement and contributions will help to build the Democratic community. You should be able to access the website by entering "reno county democrats hutchinson" in the search box or enter I have it entered in my bookmarks for easy access. Plans are being made for the annual ice cream social and fall presidential rally so keep in touch for the latest news on these and other important items of interest to Reno County Democrats.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Felt compelled to comment on the climate of unease that pervades these days. Financial gurus are all over the airwaves, pleading for cool heads in the face of bank failures, stock market decline and mortgage crisis. I couldn't agree more that facts, not fear, should be guiding the country through difficult times. The irony is to watch representatives and "friends" of the administration scrambling to reassure us that it's not that bad or all in our minds. I remember during the 2004 campaign I thought John Kerry had finally hit the right note when he declared he wanted to be the candidate of "hope, not fear". A recurring theme of the Bush administration has been to promote fear; the Axis of Evil, the Mushroom Cloud, gay marriage that would undermine the social fabric of America, the color coded Threat Alerts (Keep your duct tape close at hand!) etc. - all aimed at keeping Americans in line, on board and uncritical. You can't have it both ways Washington; prey on people's fears and then expect calm and rational thought to prevail when it suits your needs. It is unsettling to hear reports of a run on a major bank or the impending failure of corporations held to be invincible giants of the economy. America has weathered many threats in the past and I am confident that eventually things will stabilize. Truth is this could be a golden opportunity if we have the good sense to take advantage of it. This is the time to grab our elected leaders by the scruff of the neck, demand they act responsibly, forget about partisan posturing and do what needs to be done to secure the future of our country: develop a sound energy plan; exercise prudent oversight where it is needed; use restraint and common sense in fiscal matters. The one valid fear is that we might fail to hold our leaders accountable for the mess they have made of things.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
- I've met several people lately who have remarked on the staggering amount of the widely publicized contract granted THE BIG DITTOHEAD, Rush of Rant Radio fame. Broken down over the 8 year duration it comes to $50 million per year. I hear pornography, gambling and dealing drugs also pay very well. What a shame that those spreading discord and distorted truths are held in such high financial regard.
- Speaking of distorted truth, the ridiculous rumors surrounding Barak Obama's religion continue to circulate. So once more: He is a Christian. He took the oath of office on a family Bible. I was appalled in 2000 by the whispered rumor campaigns that were launched against John McCain when he was running against W and the smear tactics used to Swift Boat John Kerry in 2004. There seems to be a pattern here as to where the sleaze and lies originate. Makes me proud to be a Democrat.
- And speaking of pride...each time the Democrats show up for an area parade; when there is a Democratic sponsored event such as the reception at the Fox Theatre or the President's Day Chili/Soup supper; at every town hall meeting, Democratic Women's Club lunch or Last Wednesday gathering, where you will almost always find a state legislator, county commissioner, area mayor or candidate willing to answer your questions or listen to your concerns - I am reminded of what a privilege it is to be affiliated with this party. Ask anyone you know from the GOP of Reno County and see if they can report the same kind of community involvement or accessibility to their chosen leaders.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
You can access more photos on website by clicking on "Democrats in Reno County" at top of the sidebar. As someone who has been in almost every parade in the last 4 years it has been fascinating to watch the change in reaction from the crowd. The first attempt brought some jeers and a few discreet "thumbs up". In following parades there were occasional "Yea Democrats" shouted from the crowd. This last Friday there were spontaneous bursts of applause as the lead group carrying the RCD banner passed by. There were about 17 walkers in this first group, with more behind with our float. If you count all the vehicles (Mark Treaster, Barbara Alexander, David Inskeep and Kevin Branscom as well as the van covered with stuffed animals and Democratic candidates signs) and all the walkers with them we had over 30 participants representing RCDems. Well done and many thanks to all who came. To everyone else: there will be more opportunities to join in as the year progresses.
There will be a candidate forum later this month. Details will be posted as soon as I get them. The candidates will need your support at these events. It's a great way to become an even better informed voter. Hope everyone read through the articles in Sunday's Hutch News. There were profiles of all candidates along with Q&A. Barbara Alexander, running for Register of Deeds received a separate write up that highlighted her background. You may be able to find these pieces on the Hutch News web site. Also visit the KSDP website to see the blog posted introducing all Kansas Democrats to our RCD blog and website.
There will be a candidate forum later this month. Details will be posted as soon as I get them. The candidates will need your support at these events. It's a great way to become an even better informed voter. Hope everyone read through the articles in Sunday's Hutch News. There were profiles of all candidates along with Q&A. Barbara Alexander, running for Register of Deeds received a separate write up that highlighted her background. You may be able to find these pieces on the Hutch News web site. Also visit the KSDP website to see the blog posted introducing all Kansas Democrats to our RCD blog and website.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Noticed in today's paper that the deadline to register to vote in the August 5th primary is only 3 weeks away. We have choices this year, Democrats! If you are not yet registered or wish to change party affiliation you can register at the Reno County Courthouse or at city offices in all towns in Reno county. In Hutchinson you can also sign up at the driver's license bureau at the mall and at the public library. Reno County Democrats will provide you with the voter registration form as well. To request the form email: This is also the email to use to sign up for our newsletter or to submit comments.
Hope to see many supporters and "thumbs up" at the 4th of July parade this Friday morning at 10:00. Our entry will include several candidates, marchers distributing candy and a float. Logistical problems had kept us from including a float for the last few parades but thanks to the generosity of KS State Senate candidate Dave Inskeep we're good to go.
Heard on rant radio last week, criticism of Barack Obama's efforts to stop smoking. Something to the effect (I paraphrase) "How can he have the resolve and character to lead a country if he can't even give up smoking!" Well let me tell you from experience, it takes a lot of fortitude to be a smoker in today's world. I'm being facetious of course. I admire his efforts. Maybe he could get some pointers from Laura Bush - a former smoker. There is no end to the silliness that passes for political commentary these days.
Watch for pictures of our parade entry next week. Pray for sunny skies!
Hope to see many supporters and "thumbs up" at the 4th of July parade this Friday morning at 10:00. Our entry will include several candidates, marchers distributing candy and a float. Logistical problems had kept us from including a float for the last few parades but thanks to the generosity of KS State Senate candidate Dave Inskeep we're good to go.
Heard on rant radio last week, criticism of Barack Obama's efforts to stop smoking. Something to the effect (I paraphrase) "How can he have the resolve and character to lead a country if he can't even give up smoking!" Well let me tell you from experience, it takes a lot of fortitude to be a smoker in today's world. I'm being facetious of course. I admire his efforts. Maybe he could get some pointers from Laura Bush - a former smoker. There is no end to the silliness that passes for political commentary these days.
Watch for pictures of our parade entry next week. Pray for sunny skies!
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